Project Video Guide
Elementary Science Fair
Project Videos
Elementary Science Fair Project Videos empower elementary students to share what they've learned in Elementary Science Fair with others! The project videos also allow the Elementary Science Fair judges to determine the top Elementary Science Fair projects (who will receive awesome prizes)! Read on to learn what should be included in a Project Video!
The following items will be judged and should be included in Elementary Science Fair Project Videos:
Introduce yourself with your name and grade.
Talk about your interest that inspired your experiment (recommended).
Talk about your research question.
State your hypothesis.
Talk about how you completed your experiment.
State the answer to your research question.
State whether your hypothesis was correct or incorrect.
Other Important Project Video Guidelines:
Videos must be 1-3 minutes in length. Videos of other lengths may not be judged.
Video files should be in .MP4 or .MOV format. Other file types may not be judged since they may require special video players.
The Elementary Science Fair participant(s) should be the one speaking in the project video.
Horizontal videos are preferred.
Videos are submitted through the Project Submission Google Form.
FOR TEAMS - Teams of two must submit one video per team.